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Smokybrown Cockroach Facts

  • Size: 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inches in length
  • Color: The Smokybrown cockroach possesses a uniform mahogany brown color and a dark and shiny thorax.
  • Name: colloquially referred to as a “palmetto bug.”
  • Location: The Smokybrown cockroach is a common pest of southeastern states. They are most often found from central Texas to Florida, and as far north as North Carolina.

How to Identify Smokybrown Cockroaches

The Smokybrown cockroach is a relatively large species of cockroach often referred to as a "palmetto bug." They are closely related to the American cockroach but are distinguished by their slightly smaller size and uniform dark mahogany brown color. Unlike the American cockroach (which possesses a light-rimmed pattern on its thorax) the Smokybrown cockroach's thorax is dark and shiny. They do not have an eye pattern behind their head like the adult American cockroaches do.

Smokybrown Cockroach Behavior

Smokybrown cockroaches, or palmetto bugs, are prevalent in leaf litter, in and around shrubs, flowers and trees, tree holes, wood piles, garages, crawl spaces, attics, and greenhouses. They have also been found on roofs and in rain gutters feeding on bird droppings and plant materials. Smokybrown cockroaches can also survive in sewers. They are strong fliers and have wings that extend beyond their bodies; they are attracted to light.

Smokybrown Roach Photos

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Smokybrown Roach

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Smokybrown Roach Closeup