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Argentine Ant Facts

  • Location: Argentine ants are common in urban areas
  • Size: Argentine ants measure 1/16 to 1/4 inch long
  • Color: Range from light/dark brown to black and shiny 

Argentine Ant Social Behavior

Argentine ants adapt easily and can nest in a variety of places. Colonies are massive and may contain hundreds of queens. Nests are usually located in moist soil, next to or under buildings, along sidewalks or beneath boards. The foraging trails of Argentine ants are their most visible sign. They travel with well-defined trails between their web of nests and their food sources. The trails can be observed traveling up buildings, trees and into homes.

Argentine ant queens can produce large numbers of offspring and survive on a wide variety of food.

Argentine Ant Photos

Argentine Ant Pupae
Argentine Ant
Argentine Ant Eggs
Argentine Ant Egg Closeup